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Kumo - Java Word Cloud

Kumo On GitHub: here

The goal of Kumo is to create a powerful and user friendly Word Cloud library in Java. Kumo can directly generate an image file, or return a BufferedImage. I plan on hosting it on Maven Central soon.

Prepare for Silverlight 5 end of support after October 2021.

Please feel free to jump in and help improve Kumo! There are many places for performance optimization in Kumo!

  1. Dec 09, 2018 Tagxedo Tagxedo is a free, web-based word cloud creator, similar to Wordle. But with Tagxedo, you can place your word cloud in a shape! How to Create a Word Cloud at Tagxedo.Com. Word clouds or Tag clouds are visual images made up of words from various sources. (PC or Mac) with Microsoft's.
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Current Features

  1. Draw Rectangle, Circle or Image Overlay word clouds. Image Overlay will draw words over all non-transparent pixels.
  2. Linear, Square-Root Font Scalars. Fully extendible.
  3. Variable Font Sizes.
  4. Word Rotation. Just provide a Start Angle, End Angle, and number of slices.
  5. Custom BackGround Color. Fully customizable BackGrounds coming soon.
  6. Word Padding.
  7. Load Custom Color Pallettes.
  8. Two Modes that of Colision and Padding: PIXEL_PERFECT and RECTANGLE.
  9. Polar Word Clouds. Draw two opposing word clouds in one image to easily compare/contrast date sets.
  10. Layered Word Clouds. Overlay multiple word clouds.
  11. WhiteSpace and Chinese Word Tokenizer. Fully extendible.
  12. Frequency Analyzer to tokenize, filter and compute word counts.

Download from Maven Central

Tagxedo For Mac

Example to generate a Word Cloud on top of an image.

Example to generate a circular Word Cloud.

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Example to generate a rectangle Word Cloud

Example of tokenizing chinese text into a circle

Create a polarity word cloud to contrast two datasets

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Create a Layered Word Cloud from two images/two word sets

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