Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
The end of AEGIS in 'Mel' could trigger Chell waking up for Portal 2 remotely anywhere in the country. However its more enjoyable to assume 'Mel' is meant to happen in the installation where GlaDOS herself is located. However if that were true, why don't AEGIS or Virgil notice the other power cores when detecting mechanical life signs? Easy 'Curious' Achievement Guide. Play the 'spa2pastpower' map to find all the Vitrified door messages. Press on the buttons to listen to them. Travis scott goosebumps free. They are found after the leaking bouncing gel when Virgil tells you to jump on the pipe. Progress until you find the closed elevator in a very large room. The messages are found on the following doors. Portal Stories: Mel. Best Portal 2 Mods. This mod tells a completely different story focused on a test subject named Mel. Just like Chell, Mel is supposed to survive by completing tests, and will. Callaghan is also the creator of the popular Portal fan video series, Meet the Cores. Rainbow Core appears at the end of Meet the Cores 2 as a 'next on Meet the Cores' segment, but does not appear in Meet the Cores 3. Rainbow Core as he appears in Portal Stories: Mel. The appearance of Rainbow Core at the end of Meet the Cores 2. There is no future here. Consider supporting my Patreon! - More Portal Stories: Mel - https://www.youtube.com/playlis.
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